
A limitation is a constraint on the platform that, for technical reasons, may be unavoidable or unfixable. It can include browser compatibility issues, device limitations, third-party bugs, and common errors.




Call screen

Mobile devices

When switching between front and rear cameras on a small number of mobile devices, the video image jumps into an enlarged view and back again.


Call screen


Opening the chat panel while another caller is sharing their screen, makes the video flicker as it resizes 3 times. Closing the chat window also makes the video flicker.


Call screen

Change background

Uploaded background images appear mirrored (flipped horizontally) to callers in the small video preview of themselves. This is most noticable when images contain text. Other callers see the image correctly.

Other callers see the background image correctly, so no adjustments needed.

Call screen

Screen sharing (Apple Mac / Google Chrome)

Some users cannot share an application or their whole screen when they use the Chrome web browser, due to security and privacy settings on their Apple Mac.

To share the whole screen or application, update your Security and Privacy settings on your Apple Mac.

  1. Open System Preferences by selecting the Apple icon in the top left of your screen.
  2. Select Security & Privacy.
  3. In the Privacy tab, select Screen Recording.
  4. Select the lock icon, enter your password, then select Unlock.
  5. Select the Google Chrome checkbox.
  6. Select the lock icon to save your changes.

Call screen

iPhone SE (Safari)

When the device is in landscape mode, the Safari browser's address and navigation bars are visible. As a consequence, the available space on the Call Screen is reduced.

Put your device in portrait mode.

Call screen

Audio (iOS devices)

Sometimes, switching the camera on an iOS device will cause the audio from a remote party to be lost.

Switch the camera again Try not to switch the camera rapidly Note: This is a known Apple bug.

Call screen

Audio (Android devices)

On some Android devices, background sounds are loud and distracting. This happens when the device does not have enough processing power to remove the background sounds from the audio.

Try closing apps that you're not using. Also, consider moving to a quieter space for your call.

Call screen


When a user on an iOS device mutes their microphone, and then switches camera during a call, the volume drops to a low level. This is because the device has switched from communications mode to media mode as a result of the camera switch, and defaults the volume to low.

Turn up the volume.

Call screen

Mobile devices

On smart phones with more than two cameras (for example, the Galaxy Note 9 Android), the Switch camera option is not available on the Call Screen.

Use the settings cog on the Call Screen to change the camera.

Call screen


Cannot use the Call Screen's quick-switching feature to change speakers.

Change speakers before making calls, from Apple's system preferences for audio devices. This issue will be resolved in a future release.

Call screen

Screen sharing

When a user tries to share certain Microsoft applications (including Edge), they do not appear for selection in the application window sharing options.

When choosing what to share, select the whole desktop.

Call screen


When the user changes speaker through the Call Screen's change device control, and then refreshes the call session, the Call Screen reverts to using the system's default speaker. This is a technical limitation related to speaker defaults being set at the computer's operating system level, rather than the web browser as for cameras and microphones.

After refreshing the call session, use the change device control to select the desired speaker. Alternatively, change your computer's default speaker device.

Group Consultation

Video call management console (VCM)

During a group consultation call, service providers may be automatically signed out of the VCM due to inactivity.

The call continues unaffected, but the service provider needs to sign back in to the VCM after the call if they need to access their waiting areas.

When signing in to the VCM, select the Keep me signed in for today checkbox.

Group Consultation

Call screen entry

For service users connecting to a group consultation call, disabling the on-hold audio can result in the call being disconnected.

Leave on-hold audio enabled and reduce the volume on your device until the call begins.

Group Consultation

Test equipment

When testing your equipment from a group consultation waiting area, the network test may not be accurate.


Management Console

Waiting Areas

Sometimes, the Share Link to Waiting Area email sent to Gmail and Microsoft Outlook is not formatted correctly.


Management Console

Sign in

The fields in the new console's Sign in page are not recognised as fields by Google Chrome. As such, Chrome's feature of remembering previously-entered user names does not work on the page, unless the user has previously instructed Chrome to remember the password for the page


Management Console

New caller alerts

In the new management console, new caller alerts (sent by SMS / text message) are set per user, per Waiting Area, on each Waiting Area's page. This gives administrators, coordinators, and providers much greater control and flexibility over who receives the alerts. However, users should be aware of the following:

  • Changing the phone number in the new management console (includes setting, changing, or removing) also changes the setting for that specific Waiting Area in the original management console.
  • Whenever one or more Waiting Areas in the same Organisational Unit have different values set, the alerts field in the original management console stops showing an actual phone number, and instead indicates that there are different alert settings for the Waiting Areas.
  • If a user subsequently changes the alerts field in the original console (for example, by adding or removing the contact number) this changes the settings for all related Waiting Areas, to that value.

Ideally, users in any given Organisational Unit use either the new, or the original, management console to interact with their Waiting Areas.

Any users who interact with their Waiting Areas from both management consoles, need to be made aware of this relationship, and advised to use the new management console to verify that the intended contact number is set for each Waiting Area.


Group Consultations (beta)

As part of the beta, there are no reports available for Group Consultations. If you would like information about Group Consultation use, contact your support desk.


Updated 27 August 2024