Attend Anywhere 2023 r1

Monday, 9 January 2023


If a service user who is in a group consultation waiting area allows their screen to lock, the call may be disconnected after they have been admitted to the call. To prompt the service user to unlock their screen, the system will now play a tone when the service provider admits them to the call.

The Hotjar feedback service has been disabled for all sites.

Bug fixes

  • Some users were finding that when replacing a pre-selected date range in the Reports screen, the reporting tiles were taking too long to update. This has been resolved.

  • Reports that include the consultation count were excluding consultations run by people whose service provider role had been revoked. The consultation count now includes these consultations.

  • Service providers were having trouble accessing the video call management console (VCM) when service users entered a date of birth that was before 1900. This has been resolved.

  • On some group consultation calls, moving a participant from one breakout room to another resulted in their being dropped from the call. This will no longer happen.